Gun Crimes, Gun Possession & Gun Charges Defense Lawyers/Attorneys Sacramento, CA
In California, many people can legally possess or own guns without a license. However, the law also prohibits many from owning a firearm.
California law, prohibits the following people from acquiring or possessing a firearm:
- Felons.
- Persons who are addicted to narcotics;
- Persons convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses;
- Persons who are minors ( anyone under age 18);
- Persons with two or more convictions under California Penal Code 417 subdivision (a) (2).
- Any person who is adjudicated to be a mentally disordered sex offender.
If California law prohibits you from carrying or possessing a firearm and you violate the law, the penalties are very stiff. For example, a felon who carries a firearm is punishable by 16 months or two or three years in California state prison, a fine up to $10,00 or both.
California law enumerates many situations that prohibit the possession or carrying of firearms. For instance, you may not possess or carry an illegal firearm or illegally carry an otherwise legal firearm. If you break this law and are arrested, you may be charged and taken to jail.
One reason that California firmly regulates the possession of firearms is due to California’s high firearm murder rate. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in 2011, California had the highest number of gun murders – 1,790, which is 68% of all murders in 2011 and equivalent to 3.25 per 100,000 people in the state.
If you have been charged with violating one or more of California’s firearm laws, it is very important for you to contact an experienced gun crimes defense attorney at the Law Offices Of Wing & Parisi. A firearm conviction is very serious, can damage your reputation and livelihood. Schedule a free consultation and get your questions and concerns resolved. We have more that 76 years of combined legal experience and can protect your legal rights. We help our clients get results they want.
There’s no substitute for a strong gun crime defense lawyer in Sacramento CA, call Wing & Parisi at (916) 441-4888.
Law Office of Wing & Parisi
Gun Crimes, Possession & Gun Charges Defense Lawyers Sacramento, CA
917 G Street
Sacramento, CA 95814, USA
(916) 441-4888
The Law Office of Wing & Parisi serves clients in the Sacramento and Davis communities as well as throughout
Placer County and San Joaquin County. Hablamos espanol.