Criminal Defense Attorney in Sacramento Talks About Marijuana Dispensaries
The state of California passed proposition 64 legalizing the recreational use of Marijuana by adults aged 21 and over on November 8, 2016. The law is now in full effect and it has completely changed the cannabis landscape in the state. The state will now have two distinct marijuana industries – the medical industry and the retail industry – both with differing rules and regulations.
How can I open a Marijuana Dispensary and are they all the same?
The state of California currently has a regulated and well-developed medical cannabis market that uses a prescription-based model to regulate the purchase of cannabis by medically qualified individuals through licensed medical dispensaries. Currently, all licensing and permitting is handled by city and county governments which all have their own specific rules and regulations regarding the cultivation and sale of medical cannabis. This makes for a very complicated and confusing process. In order to avoid the possible financial and legal repercussions, it is imperative that you let the experienced attorneys at Wing and Parisi guide you through this process.
If you thought navigating the cannabis space was difficult enough, you are in for a surprise because the regulatory framework has become even more complex!
In 2015, the State Legislature signed into law a combination of bills that created a state-wide licensing and regulatory body, the Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation, that will be developed by January 2018.
On November 8, 2016, State law was changed once again with the passage of Proposition 64, and as a result, the regulatory body will change its name to the Bureau of Cannabis Regulation, and it will be responsible for regulation of both the medical and recreational cannabis industries.
The licensing and permitting processes for each industry will be different and the attorneys at Wing and Parisi are experts in the medical cannabis field and are excited to provide the same level of service they have provided to medical dispensary owners to the burgeoning group of retail dispensary operators in the years to come.
In addition to licensing requirements, the law has checks and balances built in to prevent complete vertical integration of cannabis companies and monopolistic power. The laws are designed to protect small businesses, but they are complicated and often times it is the small business owner who feels the legal repercussions for non-compliance. The experienced attorneys at Wing and Parisi are experts in marijuana law and are here to help every step of the way.
If you are being charged with a marijuana related crime, contact a criminal defense attorney in Sacramento immediately for a consultation.
Contact us online or call at (916) 441-4888 for a free and confidential initial consultation with an experienced a Criminal defense attorney in Sacramento, available in Spanish. We appear in state and federal courts in the Sacramento and Davis communities as well as throughout Placer and San Joaquin counties.
Law Office of Wing & Parisi
917 G Street
Sacramento,CA,95814, USA
(916) 441-4888
The Law Office of Wing & Parisi serves clients in the Sacramento and Davis communities as well as throughout Placer County and San Joaquin County. Hablamos espanol.