Long Term Consequences of a DUI Conviction

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Sacramento DUI defense lawyer


In 2007, there were over 200,000 cases of driving under the influence in the state of California. That same year, nearly 1,500 people died in alcohol-related car accidents. Due to this unreasonably high number, the Department of Motor Vehicles took action in 2011 to immediately suspend the driver’s license of anyone suspected of driving under the influence. The license is then sent to the DMV where it waits until the suspension is lifted or the charges are dropped. If you have had a driver’s license suspended because of a DUI conviction, speak with a Sacramento DUI defense lawyer immediately.

When an individual is found to be driving under the influence, there are many other consequences that go beyond the immediate suspension of a license. Some of these consequences are not only inconvenient and costly, but can follow that individual for years and possibly the rest of their life. As with most legal cases, there are many factors that go into play in determining the consequences, such as:

  • blood alcohol content
  • the extent of property damage
  • the extent of bodily injury
  • the age of the driver
  • whether other individuals were in the car and the ages of those individuals
  • whether there were any fatalities
  • prior convictions

Every case is handled as an individual circumstance, but there are some established potential consequences. One consequence includes license suspension. In California, a license may be taken even if a driver is merely suspected of being under the influence. In the case of an actual conviction, individuals can expect to have months of license suspension followed by months of license restriction. Another consequence includes jail time. Probation or community service may be required instead of jail time in some circumstances. Consequences are dependent on many factors, and a Sacramento DUI defense lawyer can help.

Fines are common consequences as well when it comes to DUI convictions. There are many types of fines associated with DUIs. An individual will most likely pay a couple thousand dollars but specific numbers are best figured out by a Sacramento DUI defense attorney. Often times, a DUI conviction could mandate community service and alcohol education courses. This course is at least 3 months long and costs up to $500. A note in your permanent criminal record could be another consequence you face if arrested for driving under the influence. A Certificate of Rehabilitation can be acquired to wipe your record, but it is a lengthy, difficulty process and certificates are given on a case by case basis. An individual must show a change in driving pattern as proven by an absence of further incidents involving the criminal justice system. Certificates of Rehabilitation are offered on a case by case basis. It is a lengthy process, and they are not easy to obtain.

On top of all of this, you could face a compromised future employment. A conviction may be found in a background check and may adversely affect an individual’s ability to get a job, especially if that job requires any driving for the company. Always speak with a Sacramento DUI defense lawyer who can help you outline the best course of action.

Call Sacramento DUI defense lawyer at Law Office of Wing & Parisi at (916) 441-4888.

Getting arrested for a DUI can alter your life in many different ways. From the long term consequences to the immediate aftermath, the best thing you can do is contact a Sacramento DUI defense lawyer for legal advice. The Law Offices of Wing & Parisi has the tools, resources and experiences to ensure you get your life on track after a DUI arrest.

Contact us online or call at (916) 441-4888 for a free and confidential initial consultation, available in Spanish. We appear in state and federal courts in the Sacramento and Davis communities as well as throughout Placer and San Joaquin counties.


If you have been arrested and charged with a DUI, contact Sacramento DUI defense lawyer at the Law Office of Wing & Parisi for free consultation.