If you are convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, you may be eligible for probation instead of jail time in certain circumstances. There are two different types of probation in California: formal and informal. Formal probation requires that you register with the Adult Probation Department of your county where you will be assigned a probation officer who will supervise you throughout your probation.
Informal probation, also known as court probation does not require you register with a supervisor. Because probation is an alternative to jail or prison time, it is considered a privilege and not a right and therefore if you violate your probation, you will be arrested and held until a revocation hearing takes place.
At this time, depending on the circumstances of your case, the judge will have to decide to: reinstate your probation on the same terms and conditions, change the terms of your probation to make them more stringent or revoke your probation and send you to jail.
There are many different ways you can violate your probation including:
- failure to pay all court-ordered fines and fees
- failure to appear at required court hearings
- failure to participate in and complete court-ordered counseling or treatment
- failure to complete court-ordered community service
- failure to report to your probation officer as required
- failure to comply with your probation officer’s instructions
- failure to maintain employment
- failure to submit to and/or pass an anti-narcotic test
- failure to attend court-ordered AA meetings
- failure to enroll in and complete a required Alcohol Education Program for a DUI conviction
- failure to attend court-ordered Narcotics Anonymous meetings in a drug-related case
- being under the influence or in possession of illegal drugs or medication for which you do not possess a valid prescription
- being in possession of contraband
- being in possession of a firearm for any felony conviction or in any misdemeanor domestic violence case
- being in a restricted area
- failure to comply with the terms of electronic monitoring if you are required to wear a monitoring device
- having contact with prohibited persons such as any children as a result of a sex offense conviction involving a minor
- absconding – leaving the county or state without the permission of your probation officer
- any violation of the law other than a traffic infraction
There are consequences for violating your probation. Make sure you contact an experienced attorney if you violate yours.
There’s no substitute for a strong Sacramento criminal attorney.
Call Wing & Parisi at (916) 441-4888.
Contact us online or call at (916) 441-4888 for a free and confidential initial consultation, available in Spanish. We appear in state and federal courts in the Sacramento and Davis communities as well as throughout Placer and San Joaquin counties.
Law Office of Wing & Parisi
917 G Street
Sacramento,CA,95814, USA
(916) 441-4888
The Law Office of Wing & Parisi serves clients in the Sacramento and Davis communities as well as throughout Placer County and San Joaquin County. Hablamos espanol.